We only answer calls for the funeral service industry.
Answering Solutions for Funeral Service is located and headquartered in the southwestern United States. We serve clients throughout the country and only answer phones for your industry, the funeral service industry.

When we set up your account, it’s customized to provide:

  • Directions to your funeral home
  • Funeral service information
  • Local cemeteries
  • Local places of worship
  • Local hotels and motels
  • Any additional information you would like provided

We also verify death/funeral services for the Red Cross and newspapers when they call, and we can verify the name of the driver for air cargo when you are shipping out.

When answering first calls on your behalf, we’ll take all the information you ask us to take, and we’ll customize questions based on who’s calling, just like you would.

Our service is specific and complete. Please let us tell you exactly how we can help you.

Phone us today.
Call 866.628.5140.

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